Friday, January 4, 2013

Closing Time

Did you sing that the way I do every time I hear it?  No?  Maybe not everyone was as obsessed with Semisonic as I was in high school.  No matter, we have a closing date!
So, bank two, oddly enough, seemingly unnerved by the fact that we're building near a small lake.  In fact, when we finally got the extra surveying paperwork to FEMA and approved, all I needed to do was email my lender and recommend with stick with the "Safe and don't need flood insurance" zone and that was the end of it!  I really wish we had never started with the first bank but, Que Serra and all that.  I do have half a mind to march down the street and demand the cost of the first appraisal back from the first bank.  They both said the same thing!  But I digress.
We close on the loan January 8, 2013.  We're just waiting now for a dig date from Wayne Homes (after multiple emails and phone call with still no reply).  I'm trying to give Tracy a holiday pass but it's difficult when it's all right in front of you ready to go now.
So, please, cross all fingers and toes, say your prayers or throw special magical dust in a fire for us and hope it's all smooth sailing from here.  Until next time!



  1. Hi there!

    Thanks for posting this blog. I too am building with WH in Pittsburgh and it's nice to have these blogs out there for more accurate reviews of the company. My bank is taking FOREVER, but we should hopefully close on the loan within the month and dig soon after that. Good luck with everything and check out my blog!

  2. Hi J.J! I hope you'll find my musings at least slightly helpful! Please share your blog and I'll add it to the blog list! You can never be armed with too much information in such a massive undertaking as building a new home!

  3. Here's mine

    Best of luck with the dig. I'm so excited to get started!
